What I'm Using

This is a list outlining the various tools, apps, services, and hardware I use/have used regularly. The list contains tools I use day to day in my work as a web developer and tools that I personally use throughout my day.
I will try to keep things updated since I like to try and use new tools every now and then.
This list is inspired by uses.tech. I highly recommend checking it out. 👍
📅 Last Updated: August 18th, 2023

1- Hardware

My Setup

2- Software, tools, and everything in between

Programming & Technologies (Web Development)

IDE/Editor & Terminal (Web Development)

  • IDE/Editor: PhpStorm is my favorite IDE of all time and the most convenient ide/editor for Laravel development imho. I’m using the Material Theme (Atom One Dark) & Atom material icons too. I also used Atom, and VS Code for a while, before Switching to PhpStorm for good).
  • Terminal: Warp. It is by far the most complete, and intuitive terminal!

Environments (Web Development)

  • Laravel Valet (For my macOS environment).
  • Laravel Herd (For my macOS environment).
  • VirtualBox (Used it previously on my Windows environment).
  • Vagrant (Used it previously on my Windows environment).
  • Laravel Homestead (Used it previously on my Windows environment).
  • WAMP (used it before switching to Homestead).
  • Docker (for some dev environments).

Tools & Browsers (Web Development)

  • TablePlus (as my favorite database client).
  • Altair (My favourite GraphQL Client).
  • Postman (my favorite API client to create, share, test and document APIs).
  • FileZilla (I use it occasionally to FTP connect securely instead of using the command line).
  • Jira & Trello (for Project/Product Management).
  • Chrome (my favorite browser for personal use and development/testing, but I’m also using Firefox occasionally).

Version Control

  • Git
  • GitHub (My favorite Git repository hosting service and the one I currently use).
  • Bitbucket
  • GitLab (Used it during my time working for one of the software companies, as it was their favorite to host the work).
  • GitHub Desktop
  • Sourcetree (My favorite Git GUI and the one I currently use).



Design & Motion Graphics

// Tools I used back in the days when I was working as a graphic designer, and still using currently for my stuff (mostly Adobe products).

Productivity & Others

3- Learning New Stuff


// Learning new stuff helps me stave off boredom and keeps my interest levels high. I’m always actively pursuing knowledge, experiences, and self-development using various resources. Here are some of them:

Get in touch

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Want to know more about me? Check out my biography.
You can also check out what I'm doing right now here.