About Project
Birdy Store is an e-commerce online web store with items on sale under multiple categories. Users can register for new accounts, buy products, and make orders.
Early 2019 (about 3 years ago), this was my very first functional full-scale project I built from scratch as a web developer and that’s why I’m proud of this one the most. Of course, my coding skills and knowledge have improved a ton since then, but I always like to keep it around to remind myself of how it all began.
Key Features
- Users can create new accounts - manage account info - view History of all orders.
- Add products to the shopping cart, modify cart items & their quantities, make new orders, and checkout (via Stripe).
- Make reviews and leave comments on products.
- Track orders, check reviews history, and cart items in the account dashboard.
- User notification system for order shipping status updates (via Mail).
- Store offer sections such as Brands, Collections, Categories, Featured Products, Latest Products, Best Selling Products.
- Shop products extensive search, filtering (by price), and sorting (newness, popularity, price).
- Low stock product notifications for moderators.
- Offers and discounts for products.
- Admin panel for moderation.
My Role
The whole project was my work. Starting with planning the project concept and its implementation, modifying the prebuilt design, database design, and development.